Meaning Behind the Tru2MySoul Music
They say that music is the language of the soul, and nothing could be truer for Tru2MySoul Music. The significance of sound and uniqueness of style are on full display with each piece of work we are involved in.
Tru2MySoul Music has been serving as a platform for musical talent across the Mid West, cultivating itself into a haven for artists from different genres. Led by David and Ivy Shelton, We have been sharing in the success of its recording artists since 2009. With professional gear and equipment, We offer our signed artists exactly what they need to make a name for themselves in the music industry.
The creativity and musical talent of Tru2MySoul Music is unmistakable, and nothing can stop us from achieving the success we work so hard for. Highly influential and critically acclaimed, we are always striving to push the sonic boundaries, and looking to leave our mark on the modern generation of music. Feel free to browse the site and check out more about us below.

The creativity and musical talent of Tru2MySoul Music is unmistakable, and nothing can stop them from achieving the success they work so hard for. Highly influential and critically acclaimed, they are always striving to push the sonic boundaries, and looking to leave their mark on the modern generation of music.

Music is an evolving art form built upon the foundations of human culture and creativity. Musical experiences provide an opportunity for emotional expression, profound connection, and so much more. Take a look around the site of Tru2MySoul Music, and explore what the magic of music truly is.